This Terms of (“Agreement”) created as a legally binding term of your use of the Websoft Consultancy Services. URL – has been Owned, Promoted, and Maintained, by “WEBSOFT CONSULTANCY”. This T&C agreement is between Websoft Consultancy and all Customers who are taking our services, by using our services, you agree to be bound by this agreement, you are only authorized to use the Websoft Consultancy services if you agree to abide by all applicable terms & laws on this Agreement.

Below are the legal terms and conditions Agreement that guide our activities at Websoft Consultancy

  • We Websoft Consultancy do provide our services to you like – Website Design & Developing, Mobile App Development, Software Development, Graphics Design, Digital Marketing, SEO, Domain & Hosting Services, Bulk SMS & Email Services.
  • We need all the required documents before starting any project work, so you just have to give the required documents in time.
  • We collect client details like personal information or Business information for legal purposes before starting any project.
  • You must make sure that we are not to be held liable for whatever loss that will occur when you must have bought one of our services. This is based on the fact that business has lots of variables to succeed and as such we may not be responsible for such loss as you must have confirmed that we have played our parts to perfection.
  • The above is also because we have built your application according to your specifications with all the features that you might have asked for.
  • We have the right to terminate our services anytime, if we see you are running fraud business and if we get any complaints. You must keep in mind that doing fraud illegal things, run an illegal business online, we are not responsible for any kind of loss and we take legal steps at any time.
  • In the case of software development, whatever software that you may want to bring and give to our engineers, that you have owned the license and that you have not breached any legal terms of any company to have access to such software.
  • Websoft Consultancy is not to be held responsible for any loss that may arise as a result of negligence arising from that use of such items by a third party.
  • When you hire or contracting with us for our services, you must also ensure that you have followed due process and company procedures to make such happen. This is done to know our genuine customers and which services they have ordered to do a proper follow-up.
  • Advertising and Digital Marketing Policy We do Promote / Advertise & Rank your business online for your business Growth & Profits via Third-Party Tools like Google Ads, Bing Ads, And many other available Internet Marketing Tools, We setup Advertisement as per client requirement, by using our Advertising Service, You / Client should give proper Advertisement & cannot spam any Internet market network.
  • You can free to take any Digital Marketing Services or Advertisement Services from other third parties, But you must aware that Improper Services, Fraud Business Advertisement, illegal Activities which spam internet market and users may break our terms policies, and we cannot take any risk on that, We Websoft Consultancy is not responsible for any loss. We can take legal action and stop our services immediately.  
  • We have the right to terminate any contract once we notice any kind of fraudulent activity from the client’s end.
  • Our relationship between us and our client will be completely legal and as such may only involve strictly to any business that we are handling and nothing personal or extra.
  • Websoft Consultancy may modify this agreement anytime and it shall be effective when an official post published on website. You agree and bounded every modification to this agreement when you use Websoft Consultancy Services.
  • You may not post, distribute or reduce in any way any copyrighted materials trademarks or another proprietary such as content, code, source logos, etc information without obtaining the prior written consent of the power of such proprietary rights.

By taking our services and running smoothly, means you agree to our terms and conditions agreement. And you are bound to give correct information and will not break any terms. Thank you for choosing our services.

If you have any doubt or question regarding our T&C policy – Contact Us